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TLTB North Western Region TLTB North Western Region

Estate Assistant I Ba

Job Description

The iTaukei Land Trust Board (TLTB), formerly known as Native Land Trust Board (NLTB) derives its existence from the Native Land Trust Act of 1940. Its core mandate is to manage iTaukei Lands with its Vision “To Excel in Land Services and the Economic Empowerment of our Landowners” TLTB Core Business is Sustainable Land Development to enrich the lives and livelihoods of our landowners. Our organizational Values are – Trust & Transparency, Accountability, United. Knowledgeable, Effectiveness & Efficiency and Integrity & Inclusivity.

The Estate Assistant I will undertake and drive the delivery of client services to an organized geographical area and or group of clients in accordance with the agreed standards and established work, in order to provide the best, competent and resilient estate land management services to all stakeholders. The incumbent shall provide support the Estate Officer in facilitating training and coaching of staff include ensuring staff compliance to the iTaukei Land Trust Board Estate Operation Manual (EOM), policies and legislations. Responsibilities includes working together as a team to achieve the Department performance measures and targets aligning to its Business Plan in accordance to TLTB Strategic Corpore Plan.


Organisational Stakeholders
1. Outcome

1. Business Growth

  • Income: monthly collections target (budget) achieved or exceeded.
  • Opportunities for iTaukei Land use within the geographical/specialized area identified.
  • Analyze Income achieved within Geographical team against the set target.
  • Analyze number of cases attended assisted and closed.
  • Team assisted on other cases issue for resolving of any CMS case, complaint case and other lease issue pertaining in any action required within the Geographical Team portfolio.

2. Customer Service

  • Internal and external customers  provided with quality, efficient and excellent service at all times.
  • Provide quality and efficient customer service to customers who telephone, email or via letter correspondence.
  • Prompt customer resolution response provided with quality to customers who log in their complaints through complaint management system.
  • Quality and efficient customer service for internal and external clients of the Board. 
  • Accurate advice provided to staff via email, over the telephone or face to face in accordance with the Estate Operation Manual (EOM) or any other relevant act in General Provision, Probate Administration Succession Act, Property Law, Transfer Act, Rivers & Streams Act, Forest Act and other legislation. 
  • Data Cleaning exercise undertaken. 

3. Case Management - Lease Application

  • Screening the entire application against the Board’s requirement.
  • Proper due diligence carried out while screening overseas applicants ensured. 
  • Overseas applicants to be screened by RBF, FIRCA, Registrar of Companies and Investment Fiji
  • Interview local and overseas applicant prior to recommendations of accepting application
  • Screening and clearing of local & overseas application and create ID in the Landsoft system for successful applicants
  • Landowners Consultations conducted. 
  • Consultation meeting minutes prepared. 
  • Inspection carried out to ascertain for suitability for leasing and establish and demarcate lease boundary with the company of the applicant.
  • Inspection report in Precis prepared. and recommendation for supervisory level of approval and monitor on applicant payment.
  • Verify all required documents that are uploaded in Land soft system before assigning case to SEO
  • Case file to be dispatched to Reserves Head Office for verification De-reservation consents and await the return of file
  • Offer follow up
  • Application is in order, and submitted to the Estate Officer

4. Case Management - Arrears

  • Inspection and serve arrears notice.
  • Legal cases created for those who have high arrears and forward to Legal Officer for further actions.
  • Appear as witness of the Board on Arrears cases.
  • Adherence to compliances and policy in carrying out this case type maintained. 
  • Lease financial account reconciliation
  • Arrears follow up

5. Case Management - Rent Reassessment

  •  EOM work process and procedures followed in attending to the case in the Land soft system, physical land file and case file
  • Extract and verify cases from Land soft system that are due for re-assessment.
  • Rates calculated for the proposed new rent within the land soft for EOs and SEO’s approval
  • Follow up on the negotiation and settlement of the proposed rent ensured
  • Hand delivers notice and inspections

6. Case Management - Expiry

  • Consultation conducted. 
  • Meeting minutes prepared.  

7. Case Management - Surrender

  • Landowners consultation conducted. 
  • Meeting minutes prepared. 
  • GPS Inspection for Partial Surrender cases.
  • Tenant contacted or emailed for the surrender of their documents and settlement of the fees.
  • Adherence to compliance and policy in carrying out this case maintained. 

8. Case Management - 360 Inspections and Breach

  • EOM followed on work process and procedures in attending to the case in Landsoft, physical land file and case file
  • Daily 360 inspections on sites conducted and uploaded accordingly with land soft that are due for inspection as per yearly target.
  •  Breaches identified. 
  • Boundary disputes attended. 
  • Adherence to compliance and policy in carrying out this case maintained. 
  • Sales analysis inspections undertaken and report provided. 

9. Legal Compliance

  • TLTB is 100% compliant with the Fiji Land tenure systems and all relevant legislation and regulation. 
  • Adherence and compliant to the Estate Operation Manual, TLTB Policy and procedures.

10. Risk Management 

  • OHS compliant
  • Risk conscious culture maintained when carrying out task deliverables
  • Rework reduced. 
  • Identification of people and organization risks, in area of responsibilities assisted. 

11. Efficient Work Practices

  • Compliance to work schedule, budgets and reporting ensured.
  • Accuracy in GIS and GPS functions.
  • Knowledge of land management and valuation principles and practice.
  • Demonstration of negotiation and consultation skills.
  • Driving skills and safety maintained.
  • Demonstrate TLTB image and values standards at all times.
  • Integrity of information maintained.
  • Confidentiality of information ensured.
  • Professional and ethical standards sustained.
  • Participate in CSR and conduct 5s.
  • Continuous Learning.
  • Continuous learning and development of own skills and knowledge base is ensured.
  • Efficient and effective delivery of any other assigned work.


Responsibilities - Critical Competencies

Competence Description
Planning Deliver results by developing, reviewing or following a work plan, action plan or operational plan.
Systems and Procedures Develop and/or apply procedures to assist the organisation achieve its goals.
Documentation Communicate using formal business writing.
Communication Exchange information through verbal communication
Customer Commitment Demonstrate a commitment to customer service - both internal and external customers.
Relationship Building Build beneficial relationships with suppliers and stakeholders.
Organisational Values Display the organisation's image and value standards.
Social and Cultural Awareness Respond respectfully and effectively to people of different cultural and social backgrounds.
Team Orientation Work in a team towards a common aim.
Negotiation Reach agreement through discussion and compromise.
Self-Management Manage your priorities and objectives efficiently and effectively
Compliance Comply with relevant laws and the policies and procedures of the organisation.


Qualification Discipline Notes
Degree Real Estate/Landuse Planning or Resource Management/Resource Economics mandatory

Work Knowledge and Experience

  1. 4 - 5 years of highly relevant experience
  2. Understanding of and appreciation of the Fiji land tenure system and associated legislation and key stakeholder requirements
  3. Experience in land management and/or valuation of land and/or leasing services Demonstrated ability to be self managing and meet work deadlines
  4. Evidence of self motivation and initiative
  5. Evidence of well-developed analytical and written skills
  6. Negotiation and conflict management skills are adequate to achieve results which are mutually satisfying to parties while achieving business outcomes
  7. Establishes high personal standards and serves as an effective role model
  8. Experience with and knowledge of Landsoft Systems (desirable but not essential)
  9. Demonstrate confidence and increased self-understanding with maturity
  10. Demonstrated ability to be self-managing and meet work deadlines


Language Proficiency
Excellent command of English
Knowledge of another language
Professional Associations
Membership of appropriate Professional Institutions
Regulatory Compliance Requirements
Drivers Licence


Interaction Comments
Area Managers
City and Town Councils
Line Ministries


Attribute Definition
Behavioural Styles
Accountable Assumes full responsibility for own actions and identifies with the success or failure of own part of the overall work/goal.
Detail oriented Attends to the small elements of a task/activity, ensuring completeness and accuracy.
Integrity Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
Interpersonal Styles
Objective Impartial and honest in dealings with others, eliminating own feelings and view to reach a balanced judgement.
Self Sufficient and Assured Readily copes with situations without recourse/need of others, showing confidence and belief in oneself and one's own abilities
Thinking Styles
Conscientious Demonstrates a sense of right and wrong and a personal obligation to do the right thing.
Decisive Reaches conclusions, promptly and firmly.
Well Organized Controls tasks in a well thought out and critical manner

Lautoka, Fiji


20 Jul 2024

Date Posted

1 month ago

Closing Date

