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TLTB Head Office TLTB Head Office

Environment Officer

Job Description

The iTaukei Land Trust Board (TLTB), formerly known as Native Land Trust Board (NLTB) derives its existence from the Native Land Trust Act of 1940. Its core mandate is to manage iTaukei Lands with its Vision “To Excel in Land Services and the Economic Empowerment of our Landowners” TLTB Core Business is Sustainable Land Development to enrich the lives and livelihoods of our landowners. Our organizational Values are – Trust & Transparency, Accountability, United. Knowledgeable, Effectiveness & Efficiency and Integrity & Inclusivity.

The Environment Officer will provide support of the promotion of environment issues within Fiji and in relation to development implications on iTaukei Land. The incumbent will provide support to the Manager Land Services, through the development of programs, projects and practices that ensure the iTaukei Land Trust Board’s interests and responsibilities relating to Environment and Climate Change are addressed. Responsibility includes implementation and monitoring of Environment Programs, Strategies and Management Plans and providing technical advice to Executive Management and Operations. Also, contributing to the improvement of iTaukei Land environment quality by providing sound management principles with particular regard to land, biodiversity, and water and atmosphere management.


Organisational Stakeholders
1. Environment Management
  • Contribution to the implementation of the Environment Management Act 2005 Cap 240 and associated Environment Action Plans as approved by the TLTB Board & aligned to the National Government NDP is ensured
  • Procedures and environment management plans consistent with contemporary Environment management systems for Fiji is developed
  • Assistance in the Climate Change Action plans 2015 – 2020 consultation processes and implementation ensured.
  • Participation in joint environmental partnership projects with other Government Agencies, tertiary and non-government organisations) to achieve sound climate change and environmental management outcomes.
  • Provision of high-level responses to climate change, biodiversity, water quality, land management and energy projects.
  • Responses to Sustainable Environment Assessments, Environment Impact Statements and other strategies and processes provided in an efficient manner.
  • Technical reports and input into the development of environmental policies, guidelines and procedures provided
  • Environmental advice for development application assessments is prepared according to standards required.
2. Waste Management
  • Preparation of environment and waste management mapping in conjunction with the Senior Land Use Planner, Senior Research Officer and the GIS Unit.
  • Waste avoidance, reduction, recycling, reuse and recovery strategies is promoted.
  • Liaison with Government and Non-Government bodies and organisations in relation to waste management and environment matters
3. Legal Compliance
  • TLTB is 100% compliant with the Fiji Land tenure systems and all relevant legislation and regulation
4. Risk Management
  • OHS compliance sustained
  • Health Safety and Wellness compliant
5. Customer Service
  • Conduction of public meetings and facilitation of public discussions on environmental issues and matters affecting developments on iTaukei land is coordinated in an efficient manner.
  • Compilation of reports on public discussion and recommendations made based on outcomes.
  • Information to the landowners and community on current and proposed environmental programs and projects and environmental issues is provided.
  • Liaison and work collaboratively with stakeholders to implement environmental programs.
  • Articles for placement in iTaukei publications is ensured.
  • Information and educational materials for distribution to customers, tenants and stakeholders are developed, produced and distributed
  • Maintenance of an environmental focus on the Boards website
  • Quality relationships with focus groups is maintained.
  • Quality and efficient customer service for internal and external clients of the Board.
  • Contributing to efficient work practices by active participation in teamwork, sharing of information and proposing improvements
6. TLTB image and Values Standards Demonstrated at all times
  • Integrity of information maintained
  • Confidentiality of information ensured
  • Professional and ethical standards sustained
  • Business Excellence, participate in the QCC, CSR and 5s
7. Continuous Learning
  • Continuous learning and development of own skills and knowledge base is ensured.

Responsibilities - Critical Competencies

Competence Description
Risk Management Analyse and manage risk.
Information Analysis Make informed decisions by collecting and interpreting data and information
Relationship Building Build beneficial relationships with suppliers and stakeholders.
Quality Focus Deliver quality.
Technical Strength Demonstrate knowledge of a specialist discipline.
Compliance Comply with relevant laws and the policies and procedures of the organisation.
Research Apply formal research methodologies.


Qualification Discipline Notes
Degree Environmental Science Natural Resource Management or related field

Work Knowledge and Experience

  1. Minimum of four (4) years relevant working experience
  2. Working knowledge of Geographic Information Systems software and an ability to create baseline and environment maps.
  3. Knowledge of relevant National and Local Government Agency responsibilities in the area of natural resource management
  4. Experience in contract preparation, monitoring and review.
  5. Thinks strategically and of the future and considers the longer-term implications of own work.
  6. Knowledge of TLTB legislations and regulations and the Laws of Fiji: Environment Management Act 2005 Cap 240 and regulations.
  7. Sound knowledge and experience with statutory environmental matters and in the preparation , implementation and monitoring of environmental management plans, policies and strategies
  8. Experience and knowledge of environment management principles / natural resource management and their practical application with the ability to develop alternative solutions to issues
  9. Good practical and technical knowledge of foreshore restoration and stabilisation technique’s.


Language Proficiency
Excellent command of English
Knowledge of another language
Professional Associations
Membership of appropriate Professional Institution
Regulatory Compliance Requirements
Drivers Licence


Interaction Comments
All staff
Executive Management
Management Team
Business Councils
City and Town Councils
General Public
Government Officials


Attribute Definition
Behavioural Styles
Accountable Assumes full responsibility for own actions and identifies with the success or failure of own part of the overall work/goal.
Achiever Puts in effort to achieve a desired result or goal and is motivated by this end and the overall accomplishment.
Detail oriented Attends to the small elements of a task/activity, ensuring completeness and accuracy.
Integrity Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
Reliable Is able to be trusted to do what is expected or has been promised, puts in a great amount of effort believing in the value of work.
Interpersonal Styles
Customer/Client Focused Focused on client and customer satisfaction and ensuring high levels of service are maintained at all times
Objective Impartial and honest in dealings with others, eliminating own feelings and view to reach a balanced judgement.
Self Sufficient and Assured Readily copes with situations without recourse/need of others, showing confidence and belief in oneself and one's own abilities
Team Oriented Enjoys being with others as part of a group or team.
Thinking Styles
Analytic Able to separate things into their constituent elements in order to study or examine them, draw conclusions, or solve problems.
Decisive Reaches conclusions, promptly and firmly.
Disciplined / Systematic Is controlled in conduct, shows an orderly pattern of behaviour, following a methodical and thorough approach

Suva, Fiji


26 Oct 2024

Date Posted

3 months ago

Closing Date

