Water Authority of Fiji Water Authority of Fiji

Chief Executive Officer

Job Description

Water Authority of Fiji (WAF) was established by the Government of Fiji in 2010 to provide efficient and effective water and wastewater services in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner by mobilising the necessary resources to meet the demand effectively and efficiently at required quality standards. WAF is responsible for providing access to quality drinking water and waste water services to over 161,000 residential and non-residential metered customers residing largely in urban areas and also setting up water supply systems in rural schemes, reaching over 700,000 people nationwide.

The Chief Executive Officer will be responsible for directing and providing leadership for the overall operations of Water Authority of Fiji (WAF) and implementing the vision and strategic priorities for WAF. The incumbent will also be accountable for driving a customer focused culture as well as managing relationships with various stakeholders to ensure WAF meets its strategic objectives. This position is accountable to the WAF Board of Directors (Board).


Capital Stakeholders (Owners)
1. Well-informed Board, Government and funding stakeholders
  • Timely and quality strategic support, advice and recommendations provided to the Board of Directors
  • Key partners and shareholders are informed and confident in their dealings with WAF
    • Trusted, cordial and effective working relationships with Government, private and public sector partners and stakeholders established and effectively managed
    • Point of contact for important shareholders provided, in line with good governance principles and practice
  • Board reporting is timely, accurate, complete and presented in a professional manner
    • Performance against corporate targets reported
    • Board reporting facilitates and ensures robust discussions as well as well-informed decisions
    • A high level of confidence in the accuracy and integrity of the reporting is ensured
  • Stakeholder expectations, with respect to reporting, effectively managed and successfully addressed
2. Stakeholder Management ensured
  • Provide timely and quality strategic support, advice, and recommendations to the Board of Directors.
  • Establish and manage trusted, cordial, and effective working relationships with Government, private, and public sector partners and stakeholders.
  • Ensure timely, accurate, and complete Board reporting that facilitates robust discussions and well-informed decisions.
Organisational Stakeholders
1. A strategically focused organisation
  • Enhance and Expand the Fiji Water Sector Strategy 2050:                            
    • Refine and Enhance: Continuously improve and expand the Fiji Water Sector Strategy 2050 to ensure it remains relevant and effective in addressing emerging challenges and opportunities in the water sector. This involves incorporating feedback from stakeholders, integrating new technologies, and aligning with global best practices.
  • Develop a Rolling 5-Year Plan: Create a dynamic and adaptable rolling 5-year plan that is derived from the overarching 2050 strategy. This plan should outline specific, actionable steps and milestones to be achieved within each five-year period, ensuring that the long-term vision is systematically pursued and realized.
  • Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Development:                        
    • Oversee the planning and strategic development of water services master planning and infrastructure delivery.
    • Lead long-term strategic planning and manage a water infrastructure program focused on delivering cost-effective returns on investment while enhancing the lifecycle and performance of both new and existing water assets.
  • Refine and improve the working relationship with critical Ministries and other bodies like FRA, EFL, and large developers.
  • A 5-year rolling strategic plan developed under the leadership of the Board and successfully implemented. Strategic Plan is:                       
    • comprehensive and aptly captures relevant/realistic strategic objectives including but not limited to:                                                    
      • water and wastewater standards and infrastructure development
      • financial planning and management including tariff review, long term financial sustainability and business continuity
      • human capital management and development
      • policy and corporate governance
    • appropriately aligned to master plans
    • includes innovation, process modernisation and re-engineering goals to achieve operational and cost efficiencies
    • captures the views of WAF's line ministries and key stakeholders
    • supported by appropriate OPEX and CAPEX forecasts
    • duly endorsed by the Board
    • supported by an effective monitoring and evaluation mechanism, such as a corporate performance measures, to ensure achievement of objectives within specified timeframes.
  • Comprehensive and relevant Plans including but not limited to the following developed in alignment with WAF's Strategic Plan effectively monitored, reported and duly endorsed by the Board:                            
    • Corporate Plan which shall include the Corporate Intent
    • Corporate Risk Management Plan
    • Human Capital Management and Development Plan
    • Strategically focused asset management plan developed in line with master plans and WAF's Corporate Plan
  • Asset Management ensured                      
    • Address the ageing assets of WAF by delivering asset renewal and refurbishment sub-programs within the overall capital plan over the next 30-40 years to prevent escalating failures.
  • Contract Management effectively monitored                     
    • Procure all construction and major maintenance tasks by contract, often with ADB and other funding.
    • Understand how to use FIDIC contracts and manage the expectations and processes of contracting and funding parties under FIDIC arrangements.
    •  Manage complex contract variations with careful judgement.
  • Annual operating (OEPX) and capital (CAPEX) expenditure budgets are relevant, feasible, developed in a timely manner and achieved
    • Annual OPEX and CAPEX plans prepared, presented to the Board and line ministries for comments and duly endorsed for implementation
    • Annual budgets aligned to strategic plan forecasts
  • Commercial viability effectively managed and strengthened
  • Performance-driven culture established and continuously strengthened, including through an effective Performance Management System 
  • WAF’s regulatory framework including policies, Standard Operating Procedures maintained and up to date                         
    • WAF regulatory framework fully aligned to all legislative requirements and international water and wastewater standards
  • WAF’s corporate image effectively monitored and maintained
  • Ensure commercial viability and performance-driven culture.                     
    • Sound Corporate Governance:
    • Support the Board in determining WAF's strategic direction and ensuring due diligence
    • Effective Leadership, monitor and manage annual OPEX and CAPEX budgets.
  • Public understanding of WAF promoted and strengthened through effective public relations and community engagement strategies.
2. Sound Corporate Governance effectively supported
  • Timely, quality, relevant and compliant assistance provided to the Board, in, but not limited to the following areas:
    • Determining WAF's values, mission, vision and short, medium as well as long term goals
    • Articulate its (i.e. the Board's) role and accountabilities and that of its subcommittees and individual members
    • Facilitating relevant independent performance evaluation of the Board
    • Focusing Board attention on long-range strategic issues
    • Monitoring and evaluating WAF's relevancy to the community
  • The Board's due diligence process effectively managed to ensure timely attention to core/critical matters
3. Effective and strong leadership in organisational development and growth
  • Annual approved OPEX and CAPEX budgets effectively monitored, managed and achieved                            
    • Timely PSIP submission and achievement of full PSIP request ensured
    • Timely and robust acquittals for PSIP funds ensured
  • Effective oversight of all WAF activities and management of day to day operations delivered ensuring a smooth functioning, efficient and fully compliant organisation                             
    • Operational challenges and opportunities effectively addressed and, where relevant, brought to the Board's attention for deliberation and endorsement
  • Organisational change management, innovation and continuous improvement in systems, work processes and practices effectively led to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction                   
    • Customer centered/focused organisational culture continuously strengthened
  • Annual operational activities fully compliant with WAF Promulgation, Government and Board policies and all legal and regulatory requirements                       
    • Statutory filings are timely, accurate and complete at all times
  • Timely external audits and completion of annual audited financial statements for submission to Government ensured
  • Policy making/enhancement effectively led in consultation with the Board and executive management                
    • Best practices and standards applicable to WAF as well as controls, systems and procedures continuously introduced and/or strengthened to elevate WAF's quality and service delivery as well as its reputation in the South Pacific
    • Effective monitoring and evaluation mechanism for policies, standards, controls, systems and procedures developed and implemented to ensure quality and relevance are maintained at all times
  • Technology-driven growth in WAF services to customers ensured
  • Growth in WAF’s contribution to the Fiji economy ensured
  • Cooperative relationships that assist in the achievement of WAF strategic objectives effectively initiated, developed and maintained
  • Effective high-level advocacy delivered within the public and private sectors for issues/opportunities relevant to WAF, its services and responsibilities
  • Proper representation of WAF to the community ensured.
4. A statutory and operational compliant WAF
  • Statutory compliance maintained at all times, including compliance with the WAF Promulgation and relevant Act (s)
    • Timely statutory reporting and filing delivered
    • Other Acts and regulations including Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and Labour law and regulations fully understood within WAF and fully complied with
    • Well developed WAF procedures and guidelines ensure operational compliance at all times
      • WAF policies and procedures  continuously reviewed and refined for relevance
  • Effective risk, compliance and internal audit function developed and continuously strengthened
    • Independence of WAF's internal audit function safeguarded/ensured
    • Internal audit issues effectively resolved in a timely manner.
5. Leadership in human capital management
  • Effective organisational structure which is aligned to WAF's strategic objectives maintained at all times
  • Productive workforce developed
    • WAF's recruitment, training, coaching and mentoring aligned to strategic goals and needs
    • Appropriate/relevant staff training and development supported
    • Skills gap effectively addressed
    • Staff satisfaction, retention, motivation/empowerment optimised
  • Effective/strong working relationships established with all staff 
  • Robust Performance Management System and appropriate performance measures established, effectively monitored and achieved
    • Effective/innovative rewards and recognition incentives reviewed and endorsed (where feasible)
  • Robust succession planning framework for key positions  established, implemented and monitored
  • Human capital management policy framework developed, implemented and continuously strengthened in alignment with relevant laws and regulations
6. Financial Acumen and Profit/Loss Responsibility
  • Demonstrate strong financial acumen with profit/loss responsibility experience exceeding FJD $280M.
  • Develop and gain approval of the annual budget, business plan, and funding plan.
  • Implement the annual budget and plan across WAF as close to the target as possible.
  • Develop and implement the annual capital investment plan to match the capital allocation from the Government as closely as possible.
7. WAF leadership, image and values promoted and demonstrated at all times
  • Professional relationship and effective leadership of the management team established and strengthened
  • Integrity, ethics and honesty engendered
  • Organisational values and good corporate and governance practices fully complied within delivering outcomes
  • Board and the Executive Management effectively supported/assisted in the following areas:                                                    
    • Review, implementation, modelling and promoting the vision, mission and strategic objectives of WAF
    • Influencing and inspiring others to share the ownership of WAF vision, mission and strategic objectives
    • Creating an environment conducive for the achievement of strategic direction
    • Supporting the drive for ethical practices into WAF processes
    • Backing the drive for the development of WAF employees to achieve quality outputs
  • Positive corporate image and effective delivery of information, including through WAF internal & public forums effectively contributed to
Product's Stakeholders
1. WAF projects successfully achieved
  • Investment/funding for master plan outcomes secured, effective monitoring and successfully implementation of master plan outcomes within the required budget and quality standards ensured
  • Strategic selection of capital projects to maximise benefits to the community and property developments effectively delivered                      
    • Selected capital projects are duly recommended to and endorsed by the Board for implementation
  • All stakeholder interests effectively managed (including Government and customers) via:                       
    • Robust consultation and engagement
    • Effective complaints management
    • Readily available relevant information about WAF services and projects
  • Improved corporate image, positioning and acceptance by stakeholders, including customers, achieved
  • Project managers/contractors are of high technical competence and integrity
  • Effective and timely contribution to water and sewerage related regulatory framework for Fiji ensured
    • Quality technical advice provided to government with respect to Fiji's water and wastewater infrastructure.

Responsibilities - Critical Competencies

Competence Description
Strategic Development Establish the strategic direction and steer the organisation towards its goals
Business Performance Manage the performance of the organisation.
Risk Management Analyse and manage risk.
Change Management Implement and manage changing situations resulting from a change in strategic/business.
Resource Management Deliver results through the efficient and effective allocation and use of supplies , equipment and people.
Systems and Procedures Develop and/or apply procedures to assist the organisation achieve its goals.
Customer Commitment Demonstrate a commitment to customer service - both internal and external customers.
Commercial Focus Optimize the commercial viability of the organisation.
Quality Focus Deliver quality.
Leadership Utilise a leadership position to influence people and events and to increase performance.
Facilitation Assist the progress of work ensuring its timely and effective completion.
Problem Solving Develop practical solutions to a situation.
Technical Strength Demonstrate knowledge of a specialist discipline.
Compliance Comply with relevant laws and the policies and procedures of the organisation.
Global Environment Respond to globally driven changes in the organisation’s environment.
Technology Application Apply technology.
Health and Safety Establish and maintain a safe and healthy work environment.


Qualification Discipline Notes
Degree Engineering Relevant engineering field including but not limited to Civil and Water Management
Higher Degree incl. Post Grad Cert or Dip Business and Management, Engineering or other water/wastewater management related discipline

Work Knowledge and Experience

  1. Extensive engineering and technical experience, at a senior management level, of delivering end to end water or wastewater capital works project whilst working for a water, sewage or utilities company, international project management or consultancy companies or water concessionaires
  2. Track record as a strong leader and change manager with proven experience in securing strategic partnerships, business planning, people and financial management
  3. Demonstrated experience in strategic planning and human capital management
  4. At least 10 years’ experience in a senior management role
  5. Excellent communication, interpersonal and influencing skills to build strong relationships, foster stakeholder engagement, create new partnerships and drive a customer service culture of excellence and innovation
  6. Strong business skills and commercial acumen with the capability to drive business growth including achieving results and targets


Language Proficiency
Excellent command of English
Professional Associations
Membership of appropriate Professional Institution


Interaction Comments
Executive Management (CEO, CFO, COO, GMs)
Board of Directors
All WAF staff
Statutory Authorities
Agents and stakeholders
Regional and local institutes
International agencies and partners
Government Ministers and ministries


Attribute Definition
Behavioural Styles
Accountable Assumes full responsibility for own actions and identifies with the success or failure of own part of the overall work/goal.
Detail oriented Attends to the small elements of a task/activity, ensuring completeness and accuracy.
Innovative Devises new and creative ways to do things comes up with original ideas.
Achiever Puts in effort to achieve a desired result or goal and is motivated by this end and the overall accomplishment.
Integrity Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
Interpersonal Styles
Objective Impartial and honest in dealings with others, eliminating own feelings and view to reach a balanced judgement.
Team Oriented Enjoys being with others as part of a group or team.
Forthright Speaks out frankly without hesitation, showing a direct manner.
Perceptive Shows keen insight and understanding of issues or situations.
Realistic Shows concern for facts and reality, rejecting the impractical.
Thinking Styles
Holistic thinker Considers issues/situations as a whole rather than analysing or dissecting the parts.
Challenger Queries, tests information/beliefs and provokes thought.
Decisive Reaches conclusions, promptly and firmly.
Initiative Acts and makes decisions without the help or advice of other people.
Well organised Controls tasks in a well thought out and critical manner.

Apply Now
Suva, Fiji


24 Jan 2025

Date Posted

2 days to go

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